More Events Coming Up
Join us this Sunday!
10 am worship service
• Children's Time
• Coffee Hour immediately following Worship Service
• Communion first Sunday of each month

Blood Drive at Grace UMC
in honor of Daniela & Matteo Ciriello
Saturday, October 20
8:30 am - 1:15 pm
Register by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS
or visit www.redcrossblood.org
Learn more about Daniela's Dream For A Cure
Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Please join us for a traditional Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, November 24. The meal begins at 11:30 AM at our church, located at 121 Pleasant Street in Southington. There is no cost to attend. Reservations are limited to the first 100 people, so please make your reservation soon by calling the church office at 860-628-6996.
at Grace
at Grace

Christmas Cantata
10:00am Sunday, December 22
Christmas Eve
4:00 pm family service
10:00 pm candlelight service
at Grace

Christmas Cantata
10:00am Sunday, December 23
Christmas Eve Services
4:00 pm family service
10:00 pm candlelight service
Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Please join us for a traditional Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, November 28 The meal begins at 12 Noon at our church, located at 121 Pleasant Street in Southington. There is no cost to attend. Reservations are limited to the first 100 people, so please make your reservation soon by calling the church office at 860-628-6996.

Christmas Tea and Bazaar - Saturday, December 7
10 am until 3 pm
Shop for unique handmade gifts and treat yourself to a light lunch at our Christmas Tea and Bazaar. This annual event features delicious holiday cookies, homemade fudge, gift items, handcrafts, tea luncheon and more!
at Grace

Christmas Cantata
10:00am Sunday, December 22
Christmas Eve
4:00 pm family service
10:00 pm candlelight service

Blood Drive at Grace UMC
In honor of Daniela Ciriello
Saturday, April 1, 2017
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Register by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS
or visit www.redcrossblood.org
Learn more about Daniela's Dream For A Cure
Christmas Tea and Bazaar - Saturday, December 1 from 10 am until 3 pm
Shop for unique handmade gifts and treat yourself to a light lunch at our Christmas Tea and Bazaar. This annual event features delicious holiday cookies, homemade fudge, gift items, handcrafts, tea luncheon and more!

Community Thanksgiving Meal
We will once again be hosting Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 23. A traditional Thanksgiving dinner will all the fixings will be offered at no cost. The event will begin at 12:00 noon and will be held at the church which is located at 121 Pleasant Street in Southington. All are welcome. Please respond to the church office at 860-628-6996. Seating is limited to the first 100 people, so please make your reservation early.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this year will be “TO GO”.
Turkey, stuffing, gravy and all the fixings including apple or pumpkin pie will be served.
Call the church office at (860-628-6996)
or email (graceumc__office@cox.net)
by Monday, November 23 to reserve your dinner(s).
On Thanksgiving Day, November 26, dinners may be picked up at the church from 12 to 1:30. Just drive up, pop open your trunk and church members will deliver your meals.
Sign up today!

Valentine's Dinner
Saturday, February 17
Chicken Cordon Bleu, Rice Pilaf, Roasted Butternut Squash, Winter Salad, homemade rolls,
and for dessert - Red Velvet Cake!
Cost - $25 for adults, $15 for children, takeout orders in advance are available, limited to 100 people. Please see the sign-up sheet in our fellowship hall and contact Bill Leonard if you have any questions.
Breakfast Group for Parents of
Special Needs Children (PK3 – Grade 5)
Wednesday, May 15th 8:30 am - 10:00 am
We will meet the third Wednesday of each month during the school year.
Please feel free to bring younger siblings with you.
• Connect with each other in a positive, supportive environment
• Share Resources
• Relax and Enjoy Breakfast Sweets!
We are right next door to Hatton Elementary School - plenty of parking is available.
We hope you'll join us!
Parents of Southington Students invite you to a:
Breakfast Group for Parents of
Special Needs Children (PK3 – Age 21)
Grace United Methodist Church 121 Pleasant Street
(Right next door to Hatton Elementary School – Plenty of parking available)
The following Wednesdays: (8:30 am - 10:00 am) *Come Anytime*
2/12/20 3/11/20 4/8/20 5/13/20
• Connect with each other in a positive, supportive environment.
• Share Resources. • Relax and Enjoy Breakfast Sweets!

Big House
You're invited to our non-traditional
Sunday evening worship service
Inspiring music, a brief message,
time for reflection and coffee afterward
6:30 pm on the third Sunday of the month
February 16, March 15, April 19, May 17

with Grace

This year our Christmas services will take place on Zoom. We hope you will join us!
Blue Christmas/Longest Night Service
December 21st at 7pm
Click this link to join Zoom the Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 1473 6459
Passcode: 571903
Or Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 827 1473 6459
Passcode: 571903
Christmas Eve Service
December 24th at 4pm
Click this link to join Zoom the Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 6308 5625
Passcode: 177080
Or call in from a land-line or cell phone:
Call: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 854 6308 5625 #
Participant ID: just press #
Passcode: 177080 #
You're invited!
***Caroling on the Lawn***
Saturday, Dec. 17
121 Pleasant St.
5 pm
Sing Christmas Carols!
Drink Hot Chocolate!
Roast Marshmallows!
There may even be a visit from Santa!
Celebrate Christmas at Grace

Christmas Cantata
10 am Sunday, December 18
Christmas Eve
4 pm family service
11 pm lessons & carols candlelight service
Christmas Day
10 am Sunday, December 25