Download the Mobile App
Access the directory on your mobile device:
Search "Online Member Directory" in your app store
On the welcome screen, select "Add New Directory" and enter our mobile code:
graceumcsouthington -
Tap Grace United Methodist Church to see the login screen.
Log in and select "Remember Me" for quick access.
Contact Jennifer Ackerman if you have questions or need help.
Policies and Guidelines
Use of Church Property
Borrowing church property, such as tables or chairs, requires approval from the Trustees. As the Trustees meet monthly, please submit your request with enough time for review.
Reserving Meeting Rooms
All events and meetings must be scheduled through the church office and recorded on the church calendar by the office administrator.
Scheduling Guidelines:
Check the calendar to ensure no conflicts with other events.
Requests for non-church-related activities must be approved by the Trustees.